Gateshead is a 2 000 hectare farm situated near the source of the Bokspruit stream. Aside from the horses, cattle and sheep that are pastured there, the only sign of human habitation is a small cottage, built at the turn of the last century and set in a grove of equally old fruit trees beneath the towering Gateshead peak.

It sleeps six adults, is well stocked and serviced and has a north facing veranda that is the perfect place to tie flies in the early morning sun.

It overlooks the Bokspruit which provides 14 km of pristine fishing where the upper reaches rarely see an angler. The stream at the top of the mountain provides even more challenging angling than the valley around the cottage which is more pastoral. It would take a day’s hard angling to fish from the cottages to the escarpment but horses can be provided for those who would like to fish the upper and seldom-accessed stretches of this stream.

The water is clear and shallow enough for easy wading. Few trees shelter the banks, and the trout are ever alert and adept at using light and shadow and the kaleidoscope of the brightly pebbled streambed to remain unseen and to vanish in an instant if danger threatens.

Gateshead can be reached only by a vehicle with adequate ground clearance and in wet weather it should preferably be a 4X4




  • Lighting and heating is solar-powered.
  • Two bedrooms with a double and single bed
  • One bedroom with two single beds
  • Bathroom and shower
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Jetmaster fireplace in lounge
  • Serviced on request

  • R350 per person per night
  • Serviced for a fee on request (not serviced on a daily basis)

  • 78 km from Barkly East
  • 30°58’19.83″ S
  • 28°04′ 50″ E

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